

Peace of Mind


Yeshiva Students

8th Grade

Chassonim & Kallos


Photo by @yakov_lev_photographer

Raising The Bar

As we all navigate the financial pressures of today’s world, we inevitably find ourselves challenged with maintaining our integrity—as it requires extensive knowledge of financial laws and halachos.

Project 432 will give this generation the tools to live honestly and with integrity. It will ensure the peace of mind that only comes from making choices true to who we are.

Our Mission

To inspire Klal Yisroel towards a higher standard of honesty and integrity. With increased awareness, education, and faith in Hashem, we provide security and peace of mind for our families and communities.

Photo by @nechamiphotography


By launching community conversations and keeping these issues at the forefront of public consciousness, we begin the journey toward a brighter future for Klal Yisroel.


When we offer education tailored to the different stages of life, we empower our community to achieve the highest Torah and legal standards.

Faith in Hashem

With awareness and knowledge we learn to genuinely place our trust in the one above.


Rabbi Chaim Dovid Zwiebel

Executive Vice President, Agudath Israel of America

The Jewish People have the exalted responsibility of being an Ohr La’Goyim, a light unto the nations. Before we can be a role model for others, though, we need to become a role model for ourselves. B’ezras Hashem, Project 432 will make a real difference in helping advance that lofty goal.

Mr. Malcolm Hoenlein

Executive Vice Chairman, Conference of Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations

I believe it is vital to educate and empower the next generation to navigate the financial aspects of their lives with confidence. The mission of Project 432 is to do just that while inspiring all to maintain the highest level of integrity. I encourage community leaders and organizations to explore with Aleph Institute ways to expand and enhance the impact of this initiative.

Rav Yaakov Bender

Rosh Yeshiva, Darchei Torah

This initiative will not only prevent Chilul Hashem and save precious families from devastation and ruin r”l, but it will help preserve the menuchas hanefesh that is integral to raising our next generation to be Ovdei Hashem.

Rabbi Menachem Genack

CEO, Orthodox Union Kosher Division

I am delighted to see the Aleph Institute taking prudent steps to proactively educate our community regarding financial integrity. The wisdom and foresight to launch Project 432 is the result of decades of work on behalf of our communities and it is my fervent hope that it will inspire us all to strive for the highest ethical, moral, legal and Torah standards.

Mr. Ben Brafman

Criminal Defense Lawyer

Aleph’s Project 432 is perhaps one of the most important programs sponsored by this extraordinary organization to date. Reaching out to our educational facilities is a recognition that ethics and fundamental integrity cannot only be taught to adults, but must also be stressed in our Yeshiva high schools as well.

The Honorable Scott Dunn

Criminal Court of the City of New York

Project 432 will save lives and will keep families together. Accordingly, it is of the greatest imperative that we join together to support it.